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One Unique Hand-Painted Greeting Card.


Share something special with this hand-painted greeting card reflecting the wonder of nature.

An original work of art that can be framed and enjoyed for years to come. For any occasion... or just because.


An original work of art this mixed media card combines; acrylic paint, pigmented ink, and pen to form elements of painting, drawing, and hand printed leaves on Strathmore card stock.


PICK 6 AND SAVE - Buy 5 cards and get one for FREE!

(enter code BUY5GET1 at checkout)



Size 5 x 7 inches

Card is blank inside

Comes with one envelope



Orders under $15 will pay a $3 dollar shipping charge.

Orders over $15, FREE USPS Standard 1st class shipping. (continental US only)

Items packed and ready to ship within 3 days.

Shipping times vary, tracking provided.

Priority mail option available.


SKU: FC3229
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